Yes, it was quite difficult, because there are few offers, and the offers that do exist are not usually good pay. They ask for a lot of qualifications, and experience of X number of years, or else they are offers of unpaid internships.
Without a doubt, I notice that there is a silent and unconscious discrimination and that men are ahead and we women are always behind. But this is true in any area of work.
I notice that there may be some loss of professionalism in the client/designer relationship when they know I’m a woman, but not always.
I don’t know, there are lots of women designers recognized in many graphic design books, but at the teaching level I can’t say. One of them even wrote one of the best branding books.
I can’t say, I can only say in my case, I simply have a more entrepreneurial spirit, and prefer to work on my own, so I created my own studio.
In my case I’m inspired more by studios and not by people specifically. Usually these studios always have women who are highly skilled designers.
Yes, they usually expect you to fail and give up on entrepreneurship.
I think at a contract work level it must be quite complicated, but at an entrepreneurial and online level it is much easier to gain recognition, because I don’t think there is so much discrimination and if there is I haven’t felt it yet.
Yes, it was quite difficult, because there are few offers, and the offers that do exist are not usually good pay. They ask for a lot of qualifications, and experience of X number of years, or else they are offers of unpaid internships.
Without a doubt, I notice that there is a silent and unconscious discrimination and that men are ahead and we women are always behind. But this is true in any area of work.
I notice that there may be some loss of professionalism in the client/designer relationship when they know I’m a woman, but not always.
I don’t know, there are lots of women designers recognized in many graphic design books, but at the teaching level I can’t say. One of them even wrote one of the best branding books.
I can’t say, I can only say in my case, I simply have a more entrepreneurial spirit, and prefer to work on my own, so I created my own studio.
In my case I’m inspired more by studios and not by people specifically. Usually these studios always have women who are highly skilled designers.
Yes, they usually expect you to fail and give up on entrepreneurship.
I think at a contract work level it must be quite complicated, but at an entrepreneurial and online level it is much easier to gain recognition, because I don’t think there is so much discrimination and if there is I haven’t felt it yet.